New Name.
Welcome! We are excited to announce that everything from Project Agarthia, The Xiled Ones, and Neo-Noir Games has been integrated under the new name Neo-Noir Entertainment.
While the website is still in its early stages, we have several exciting updates planned for the coming weeks. This includes the entire back history of Project Agarthia, with snapshots of old content, cut content, and insights into changes that have been made.
Why did J.I. Jones make this decision? After using Project Agarthia for so long, J.I. was often asked what it meant. Upon reflection and a suggestion to consolidate under the Neo-Noir Games banner for all projects, J.I. realised that “Neo-Noir Games” was too limiting, as he didn’t want to focus solely on games. The books he had been working on were also a significant part of his creative vision. He then had a brainwave and he decided to adopt the name Neo-Noir Entertainment and has been building the brand ever since. He aimed to create a brand reminiscent of how Neversoft and Volition used to be, brands that took their content to the extreme and broke the rules of authority.
We will also be introducing a new system that will allow you, our users, to track the progress of our various projects.
So, here we are now. More updates will be coming soon.
Additionally, to those who have followed J.I. from the beginning, Shadows of Lunar Falls will be making an appearance once Zed-heaD is released.